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Everything you need to know about testing your hormones

Writer: Hayley DownHayley Down

⚠️ You have ZERO energy, your periods are all over the place, you're struggling to lose weight, despite trying all the right things and your PMS cravings are out of control.

You know deep down that something is OFF, so you book an appointment with your GP, who runs some blood tests, only to be told your results are 'normal' with 'no further action required. 🤨

Sound familiar?

😩 I get it. I know just how frustrating this scenario can be, as I’ve been there myself, as have so many of my clients. Especially when you have all the symptoms of hormone imbalance.

The issues with testing hormones via the blood…

Unfortunately, blood testing doesn’t give us the whole picture when looking at your hormones. Let me explain…

Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash


Conventional blood test ranges are VERY broad, and Doctors aren’t always looking to see if you are optimal – just if you’re in the ‘normal’ range. For example, traditional NHS Vitamin D guidelines say that if your levels are BELOW 50nmol/L, you’re deficient. However, the optimal range for Vitamin D is around 125-150nmol/L, which is associated with the lowest risk of death (from all causes) and optimal fertility. Working with an experienced practitioner who is able to interpret your results with these optimal ranges in mind can be really helpful to support your hormonal health!


A blood test will only show you what is circulating in your blood at that moment in time. As hormones fluctuate throughout the month (and even throughout day!) - a blood test cannot accurately reflect the body's hormone levels over a longer period of time. It can be helpful to provide a ‘snapshot’ as to what’s going on now you have the test but won’t necessarily give you the full picture as to what's going on.


Blood tests don’t tell you how good a job your body is doing to effectively break down your hormones, and moving out of your system (which is vital to balancing your hormones!)... more on that below!


When testing hormones, timing is also a crucial factor. You may have heard that the best time to test progesterone is on day 21 of your cycle. However, this is based on ovulation occurring on day 14 of your cycle & testing 7 days after ovulation. The thing is, very few of us ovulate on day 14. This means the optimal time to test is different for everyone. Oestradiol (the predominant type of oestrogen), & FSH also need to be tested on day 3 of your cycle (if doing a blood test) to determine whether any hormonal issues may be affecting things like fertility or ovulation.  

Could the DUTCH® test be the missing link for balancing your hormones?

As a Registered Nutritionist and Women's Hormonal Health Specialist, I can honestly say that the DUTCH® test has been an absolute GAME-CHANGER for me and many of my clients.

It truly is the most comprehensive and advanced hormone test available and gives an incredible insight as to what is going on with your hormones (& will far surpass any hormone blood testing done via your GP!) Just for the record - I have zero affiliations with this company and nor is this email sponsored in any way.

So, what on earth is the DUTCH® test?!

DUTCH standards for Dried Urine Test For Comprehensive Hormones. It’s an at-home test and involves collection of a small amount of urine on 4-5 strips of filtered paper (so great if you don't like needles! 💉) over approximately a 16-hour period during the second half of your cycle.

The DUTCH® test can be useful for those experiencing symptoms such as:

  • Problematic periods – whether they are painful, heavy or irregular, the DUTCH® test can give us insight into what is causing these issues

  • PMS or PMDD

  • Low libido

  • Mood swings

  • Fatigue or low energy

  • Brain fog

  • Cravings

  • Acne or excess hair growth

  • Stubborn weight gain

  • Insomnia or sleep quality issues

  • Anxiety or mood issues

  • Unexplained infertility (for more info on why I recommend the DUTCH test specifically for fertility issues, click here).

  • Hair loss

  • Hormonal conditions such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or fibroids

If you're experiencing any of the symptoms above, it might be time to consider the DUTCH® test. This test can help identify the underlying cause of your symptoms so you can stop GUESSING, and start addressing it, so you can put solutions in place!

Here are just SOME of the things the DUTCH® test can look at:


To assess levels of 9 types oestrogen in the body (note a blood test will only look at 1!) and to see if you’re struggling with oestrogen dominance - a factor in hormone issues such as PMS, painful periods, tender breasts and endometriosis where your oestrogen is higher than progesterone during your luteal phase.


To determine if you’re actually ovulating and to check your levels of progesterone. Did you know that just because you’re having periods, you might not be ovulating every month? Not only is ovulation key to getting pregnant, but ovulation is also a great indicator that your hormones are working properly and is vital for overall female health! It’s also helpful to know how your body is processing progesterone to see if you are at a higher risk for insomnia and anxiety in the week leading up to your period.


Is your liver clearing excess or ‘old’ oestrogen effectively? This test shows exactly how your hormones are being broken down in the body and how they are being metabolised. This can be super important if you want to know your cancer risk (breast/cervical/uterine) as certain pathways of oestrogen are non-protective and associated with high levels of DNA damage and inflammation.


Daily free cortisol taken several times through the day which can provide insight into chronic stress & adrenal health.


Testosterone levels and other androgen markers to suggest why you might be experiencing PCOS, poor egg quality, ovulation issues, oily skin, acne, infertility or excess body hair. 


Organic acids to look at levels of melatonin (which can be low if sleep problems occur) B12, B6 & glutathione - the body’s most important antioxidant.

Want to see the results for yourself? Download a sample report here.

Interested in finding out if the DUTCH® test is a good option for you?

💫 If you’re looking for a full picture of your hormones so you can finally get to the root cause of your health issues, feel free to book a free chat here, and we can see if this test is a good option for you! Alternatively, contact me via my page here for any questions regarding the test.



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